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The median sales price for homes in Belleair Real Estate, is $651,996. This is based on 5429 sales. Average price per square foot for Belleair Real Estate was $520.00. The average bedrooms is 3 and the average number of bathrooms is 2. There are currently 25366 properties for sale in Belleair Real Estate. The current average listing price for homes for sale in Belleair Real Estate is $983,108. The average days on the market for properties in Belleair Real Estate is 83. The average asking price for Belleair Real Estate properties is $690,474. Also, the actual selling price is $651,996. The difference between the average asking and selling price is -5.57%.
Active Properties Statistics
Properties On Market
Single Family: 16317Duplex: 33
High Rise (8 or more): 1308
HighRise,Duplex: 1
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 4902
LowRise,Duplex: 7
ManufacturedHouse: 963
Townhouse: 638
Townhouse,Duplex: 11
Villa Attached: 1116
Villa Detached: 70
Avg. Asking Price
Single Family: $1,165,607Duplex: $937,727
High Rise (8 or more): $1,791,879
HighRise,Duplex: $1,050,000
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $475,994
LowRise,Duplex: $504,236
ManufacturedHouse: $232,384
Townhouse: $395,063
Townhouse,Duplex: $728,309
Villa Attached: $574,916
Villa Detached: $1,145,976
Avg. Beds & baths
Single Family: 3/2Duplex: 3/3
High Rise (8 or more): 2/2
HighRise,Duplex: 2/2
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 2/2
LowRise,Duplex: 3/2
ManufacturedHouse: 2/2
Townhouse: 3/2
Townhouse,Duplex: 3/3
Villa Attached: 2/2
Villa Detached: 3/2
Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft
Single Family: $539Duplex: $437
High Rise (8 or more): $784
HighRise,Duplex: $970
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $326
LowRise,Duplex: $309
ManufacturedHouse: $1249
Townhouse: $238
Townhouse,Duplex: $425
Villa Attached: $330
Villa Detached: $512
Sold Properties
Average Asking Price
Single Family: $754,249Duplex: $429,113
High Rise (8 or more): $2,094,647
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $427,155
LowRise,Duplex: $444,633
ManufacturedHouse: $206,000
Townhouse: $359,516
Townhouse,Duplex: $519,000
Villa Attached: $467,810
Villa Detached: $1,146,818
Average Selling Price
Single Family: $712,876Duplex: $371,563
High Rise (8 or more): $1,940,963
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $404,750
LowRise,Duplex: $385,000
ManufacturedHouse: $191,476
Townhouse: $343,101
Townhouse,Duplex: $511,000
Villa Attached: $444,502
Villa Detached: $1,104,364
Selling vs Asking Price
Single Family: -5.49%Duplex: -13.41%
High Rise (8 or more): -7.34%
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): -5.25%
LowRise,Duplex: -13.41%
ManufacturedHouse: -7.05%
Townhouse: -4.57%
Townhouse,Duplex: -1.54%
Villa Attached: -4.98%
Villa Detached: -3.7%
Avg. Days On Market
Single Family: 79Duplex: 36
High Rise (8 or more): 116
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 91
LowRise,Duplex: 115
ManufacturedHouse: 103
Townhouse: 79
Townhouse,Duplex: 14
Villa Attached: 79
Villa Detached: 77
* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate. The statistics are meant only as an estimate. Contact your agent for more detailed statistics.